Capturing the living, loving, laughing, and all the in betweens of life!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
oldies but goodies!
These are just some of my favorite pictures that I've taken over time. They were taken all over the place: Vermont, Hawaii, California, Wisconsin....Enjoy!
My name is Rachel Elizabeth. My friends call me Rae, and I always like my middle name better then my first so hence, Elizabeth Rae! Photography has always been a passion of mine. I remember being very little and having an old camera that belonged to my parents. I would line my stuffed animals up in front of a old projector screen and take pictures of them. So, this photography thing has been a long time coming. One of my biggest flaws in life is being afraid to take the first step if I'm not sure I'm going to be successful. Luckily I married a man who believes in me so much that he pretty much pushed me off my "scenic view" ledge. He encouraged me to "do" rather then "watch". If it wasn't for him, I'm pretty sure I would always have that, "I wonder if" about photography. God has given me the passion and my husband has given me the push! I sincerely hope my work makes you smile!!!
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